
Mobile Development

Ilya Loshkarev

The Basics

Constants and Variables

							let pi = 3.14
							var r = 1.0
							while r < 100 {
								let sqr = r * r * pi
								print("Radius: \(r); Square: \(sqr)")
								r += 1
let decalres a constant
var declares a variable

Always declare a constant unless absolutely necessary

Basic Datatypes

							let i: Int = 1  // default Int is either Int32 or Int64
							let f: Float = 2.7
							let d: Double = 3.1
							let b: Bool = true
							let s: String = "hello"

Swift can infer type of a variable

								let x = 5, y = 3.142, z = true
								let names = ["Alex", "Anna", "Ivan", "Maria"]

Type Conversion

Swift is type-safe language

							var pi = 3 + 0.14 // literals don't have explicit type
							let three = 3
							let pointOneFour = 0.14
							pi = Double(three) + pointOneFour
							// implicit type conversions are not allowed
							let roundPi:Int = Int(pi)

All type conversions must be explicit


							func greet(person: String, from hometown: String) -> String {
								return "Hello, \(person)! Glad you could visit from \(hometown)!"

							print(greet(person: "Ivan", from: "Rostov"))

Every parameter has a name and an argument label

Arguments must be labeled when function is called


							let someNum = "3.14"
							let number = Double(someNum) // Double?
							if number != nil {
								print("parsed number: \(number!)") // unwraped value is 3.14

Optional value contains either value or nil

Always make sure optional contains a value before foced unwraping

Conditional Statement

							let someChar: Character = "z"
							if someChar >= "0" && someChar <= "9" {
								print("This is a digit.")
							} else if someChar >= "a" && someChar <= "z" {
								print("This is a letter.")

Curved braces are required

Optional Binding

							let someNum = "3.14"
							if let number = Double(someNum) { // number is Double!
								print("parsed number: \(number)")
							} else {
								print("\(someNum) is not a number") // number is not reachable

Bound optional always contains a value

Conditional Statement – Switch

							let someChar: Character = "z"
							switch (someChar) {
								case "a":
									print("It is the first letter of the alphabet")
								case "b"..."y":
									print("It is some other letter of the alphabet")
								case "z":
									print("It is the last letter of the alphabet")
									print("It is some other character")

Case must always have a body


  							var i = 0
  							while i < 5 {
  								i += 1
  							repeat {
  								i -= 1
  							} while i > 0

  							for i in 0...10 {
  								for j in 0...i {



Argument labels and Parameter names

              func greet(person name: String, from hometown: String) -> String {
                return "Hello, \(name)! Glad you could visit from \(hometown)!"
              print(greet(person: "Ivan", from: "Rostov"))

You can ommit a label by using _

              func greet(_ name: String, _ hometown: String) -> String {
                return "Hello, \(name)! Glad you could visit from \(hometown)!"
              print(greet("Ivan", "Rostov"))

Labels allow function to be called in an expressive manner

Think hard before you ommit an argument label

In-Out parameters

              func swapTwo(_ a: inout Int, _ b: inout Int){
                let c = a; a = b; b = c
              var a = 1, b = 2
              swapTwo(&a, &b)

All parameters are constant by default

Swift doesn't encourage functions with side effect

Function Types

              func add(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int {
                return a + b;
              func mult(_ a:  Int, _ b: Int) -> Int {
                return a * b;
              func calc (_ op: (Int, Int) -> Int, _ a: Int, _ b: Int)) {
                print(op(a, b))
              let a = 5, b = 6
              calc(add, a, b)
              calc(mult, a, b)

Function's type consists of
types of parameters and return value


							func +(_ left: Bool, _ right: Bool) {
								return left || right
							let a = true, b = false
							let c = a + b

Nested Functions

              func counter(forward: Bool) -> (Int) -> Int {
                func stepForward(input: Int) -> Int {
                  return input + 1
                func stepBackward(input: Int) -> Int {
                  return input - 1

                return forward ? stepForward : stepBackward


Closing over context

              func counter(increment: Int, forward: Bool) -> (Int) -> Int {

                func backward(input: Int) -> Int {
                  return input - increment

                return !forward ? backward :
                  { (input: Int) -> Int in return input + increment }

Closures are blocks of code that can capture
local constants and variables

Local context

              // global function
              func counter(increment: Int, forward: Bool) -> (Int) -> Int {
                // local function – increment is captured
                func backward(input: Int) -> Int {
                  return input - increment

                return !forward ? backward :
                // closure expression – increment is captured
                  { (input: Int) -> Int in return input + increment }

Local functions and closure expressions
can capture any value in context

Global functions don't capture any values

Closure Expression

              let names = ["Anna", "Ivan", "Maria", "John"]

              var reversedNames = names.sorted(by: {
                  (s1: String, s2: String) -> Bool in
                    return s1 > s2

Closure expression – unnamed block of executable code
that can capture values from local context

Brevity of a closure

                var reversedNames = names.sorted(by:
                  { s1, s2 in return s1 > s2 })

Parameter types can be inferred from context

                var reversedNames = names.sorted(by: { return $0 > $1 })

Parameters can be referenced by shorthand names

                var reversedNames = names.sorted(by: { $0 > $1 })

Single-expression closure implicitly returns its result

Even shorter

	              var reversedNames = names.sorted { $0 > $1 }

Closure can be passed with trailing syntax

	              var reversedNames = names.sorted(by: >)

Any operator is a closure

Sharing a variable

              func counter(withIncrement: Int) -> () -> Int {
                var totalCount = 0
                return { totalCount += withIncrement }

              let newCounter = counter(withIncrement: 10)
              print(newCounter()) // 10
              let anotherCounter = newCounter
              print(anotherCounter()) // 20

Closures are reference type


              var names = ["Anna", "Ivan", "Maria", "John"]
              let nextInLine = { names.remove(at:0) }

              print("Next one is \(nextInLine()!") // Anna!
              print(names.count) // 3

              func whosNext(provider nextInLine: @autoclosure () -> String) {
                print("Next one is \(nextInLine())")
              whosNext(provider: names.remove(at:0))

@autoclosure automaticaly wraps parameter
in closure expression


Classes and Structures

							struct Point {
								var x = 0.0, y = 0.0

							class Polygon {
								let points: [Point]
								init (_ points: [Point]) {
									self.points = points
								var center: Point {
									/* Calculate center */
									return Point(x: xVal, y:yVal)

Classes are reference type

Structures are value type and can not be inherited


							class Polygon {
								let points: [Point]  // has to be set in initializer
								let name = "polygon" // has a default value
								var area: Double {  // read-only property
									/* Calculate area */
								var origin: Point {
									get {/* do something */}
									set(newOrigin) {/* do something */}


							struct Point {
								mutating func offset(_ xStep: Double, _  yStep: Double) {
									/* Change x, y */
								func distance(_ to: Point) -> Double {
									/* Calculate distance */
							class Polygon {
								func contains(_ p: Point) -> Bool {
									/* do something */

Structure methods that change properties has to be marked mutating

Access Control

							class Shady { // implicitly internal
								 private var things: [String] = []
								 private func stuff() {}
								 func allClear() {} // implicitly internal
								 public var totallyClear: String
							private class Classified { // explicitly private
								var nothing: String // implicitly private

All classes and class members are implicitly internal

Automatic Reference Counting

							class ARCout {
									print ("initialized")
								deinit() {
									print ("deinitialized")
							var reference1: ARCout? = ARCout() // initialized
							var reference2 = reference1
							reference1 = nil
							reference2 = nil // deinitialized

Deallocates memory if no references to object exists

Reference Loops

							class ARCout {
								var reference: ARCout?
							var obj1 = ARCout() // initialized
							var obj2 = ARCout() // initialized
							obj1.reference = obj2
							obj2.reference = obj1
							obj1 = nil
							obj2 = nil
							// But nothing happened!

							class ARCout {
								weak var reference: ARCout?

weak references don't increase retain count

unowned references don't have to be optional values


							class Triangle: Polygon {
								init(_ a: Point, _ b: Point, _ c: Point) {
									let verts = [a,b,c]
									name = "triangle"
								override var area: Double {
									/* Calculate area */
								func inradius: Double {
									/* Calculate incircle radius */

super provides access to superclass members

Any overwritten member should be marked with override

Type Casting

							let shapes = [Polygon]()
							/* appended something to shapes */
							for shape in shapes {
								if shape is Triangle {
									print("it's a triangle")

							for shape in shapes {
								if let tri = shape as? Triangle {

as? wraps result into optional,
returns nil if variable cannot be downcasted

as! triggers a runtime error instead

Error Handling

Throwing Errors

							enum MyErrors: ErrorType {
								case OutOfOptions
							func chooseOption() throws -> Int {
								throw MyErrors.OutOfOptions

ErrorType – empty protocol for declaring errors

Only throwing functions can throw and propagate errors

Catching Errors

							do {
								var option = try chooseOption()
							catch MyErrors.OutOfOptions {
								print("I'm all out of options here!")

try can only be used in do-catch block

do-catch block stops error propagation
if it catches an error

Other Options

							var option = try? chooseOption() // Int?

							func makeAnOption() -> Int {
								var option = try! chooseOption() // just do it
								return option

try? wraps value into an optinal, retruns nil if error occurs

try! fails here and now, stops error popagation


							guard let option = try? chooseOption() else {
								print("Sorry, we're out of options!")
							print("Congratulations, your option is \(option)")

guard is assert-like operator that allow quick escape
if condition is not met

guard-bound optional is accesible outside of it's else clause

Related Resources
